Legendary Pennsylvania Spring Creek Fly Fisherman
I was lucky enough to fish with Charlie Fox, Gene Utech, Tommy Thomas and other legendary fly
anglers during my time on this earth. Below are a few photos of these legendary anglers. For more
photos stop at www.flyfisher.com. The photos below were taken over
the years on spring creeks and at various functions. I hope you enjoy these photos and stories on spring
creek fly fishing.
Well you had to be there to believe this one. This
photo circa the 60's shows Vince Marinaro "marrying the waters" on the Letort with that of the English spring
creeks. Vince had just come back from England and he brought some of the water back with him from some
of the streams. Vince held a ceremony and Irv Swope captured it for all humanity. Legend has it
that Ross Trimmer was actually upstream during this ceremony relieving himself in the Letort (unfortunately,
after talking to Charlie Fox and Rossy...it appears not to be a legend).(Photo: Vince
"marrying the waters" by Irv Swope ©2007 Limestoner.com/E.P. Macri/Irv Swope).
This photo taken in the late 50's early 60's shows the legendary Charlie Fox working on the
Letort. Charlie made gravel spawning beds for the brown trout. Charlie was told not to do this by the
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission but Charlie did it anyway. The Fish Commission told Charlie it wouldn't
work but of course Charlie knew what he was doing and the so called "riverkeeping" by Charlie proved to correct and
the browns did use it for spawning. (Photo: Charlie Fox on the Letort with spawning gravel
work; ©2007 Limestoner.com/E. Macri/Irv Swope).
The late Charlie Fox with Lefty Kreh on the Letort at Charlie's place. Many a fly was tied
and developed on this hallowed ground. This is the bench at Charlie Fox's place on the Letort where the
Letort Regulars held their picnics and other functions. Lefty Kreh in my estimation is the best all around fly
fisherman in the world. He has no peer in saltwater fly fishing. It was a great time years ago on the Letort
and that time has passed but on any given day if you are lucky and have the skill level necessary you can pull
some large trout from this Pennsylvania spring creek.(photo of Charlie Fox and Lefty Kreh on
the Letort circa early 70's;©2007 Limestoner.com/E. Macri/Irv Swope).
Charlie Fox discusses riverkeeping on the Letort with an English riverkeeper as members of the
Cumberland Valley T.U. listen intently. The Letort Spring Run was at one time probably the equal to the best
English spring creeks or chalkstreams. In its time the Letort produced some very large rising brown trout.
(photo of Charlie Fox and an English Riverkeeper; ©2007 Limestoner.com/Dave Williams
The legendary Ed Shenk or as Charlie called him, "Eddie" on the Letort. Ed's innovation as a
fly tyer and fly fisherman are amazing. His Letort Hopper, Letort Cricket and Shenk's Sculpin have been
imitated and copied but true fly fishing historians know where these flies were borne. Ed is the master at
taking large trout from the Letort. Ed used short rods but his skill is beyond most anglers and I recommend
longer rods for most anglers in the limestone region of Pennsylvania. (photo is Ed Shenk
fishing the Letort; ©2007 Jack Hunter).
For more great photos of legendary fly angler stop at: www.flyfisher.com; www.flyfishingforbrooktrout.com; and www.riverandgamekeeper.org.
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© 2009 E. P. Macri Jr.